Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Kyle and Starting Over

Yes, today was Kyle's birthday. Again, happy birthday ginger. we should go out to the bars! in a year......HA!
Kyle's birthday also brought the first day of school. BOO! It wasn't so bad, but it was the first day so I'm guessing it will get a little tougher. This semester will also be interesting because I am taking more classes for my major, and I'm excited to see how they turn out. I must not know myself very well, because I scheduled all morning classes, and I am most definitely NOT A MORNING PERSON!! We shall see how tomorrow goes, as i wake at the crack of dawn to trek all the way across campus to the Environmental Technology Center (the ETC to us ENSP majors, keep that on the DL) to learn what "Applied Physical Science" really is.
With the new semester came a fresh start in the dorm (aka unpacking and no food in the house!!!!). It's really hard to start a diet having to eat out for the first few meals of the allocated "healthy" period. Tomorrow we get some real food and I'm excited.
This semester is kind of a make-it-or-break-it time for me. I think I'm ready. I need to put in work in 3 areas I have been slacking in since college rolled around. Now is the time to capitalize on opportunities I have been presented with. So for the next 16 weeks of school, I'll be more dedicated in the classroom, at work, and in the gym. I have goals that need to be met, and I'm going to meet them. Hold me accountable for it. Please. It'll be the nicest thing you've ever done for me.

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